Sweet Success
For Canny CandysAugust 9th 2019
Ivy & Carol Curry of Canny Candys
Market Trade News’ Trader of The Month
Ivy and Carol Curry joined the Errol Sunday Market 4 years ago. Since then they have become the heart and soul of Hall 1.
Their bright and bubbly personalities put a smile on everyone’s face, even on a very dull and cold Sunday morning. We are beyond excited to hear that these two lovely ladies have won Market Trade News’ Trader of the Month award for August.
When Carol’s daughter sadly passed away as a result of cystic fibrosis a few years ago, Carol and her sister Ivy have decided to give any money they would raise from selling sweets and gifts to the Cystic Fibrosis Unit in Ninewells Hospital. This money is used to make the in-patient’s life more comfortable by going towards shopping trips, takeaways, sweets, toys, DVD’s, Books etc.
The money Carol and Ivy raise gets banked within the Charity No. SCO15096, which is held within the University of Dundee at Ninewells Hospital. So far, they have managed to raise an outstanding £6000.
“There was always things that she needed while she was treated in the hospital.” – said Ivy.
“We love being at the Errol market. We have made lots of good friends and met lots of amazing people. Also it means that we don’t have to do any house work and gardening” – exclaimed Carol.
Here is a snippet of the letter from Gill Brady – CF unit Clinical Nurse Specialist
“We are very grateful for your donations. We will continue to utilise the money for inpatients comforts such as additional high calorie snacks, drinks and treats to ensure good nutritional status during periods of exacerbation. We also use this to allow our patients well-deserved ‘quality’ time trips to cinema during gruelling hospital stays. The money also allows us to support families/carers during these lengthy admissions with car parking/fuel and the additional costs of living when loved ones are in hospital. On behalf of the CF team and the patients, thank you so much for your efforts, it really does have a positive impact.”
All the staff and traders at Errol Sunday Market and Car Boot Sale are super proud of the achievement.